An overview of how Catholic organizations, religious & individuals can make investments that deliver positive environmental & social impact
The webinar will seek to inform those who are new to impact investing and be the first stage in the process of developing a community of those interested in supporting Catholic Impact Investing in the UK, Ireland and across Europe.
We are delighted to welcome the following speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Lord Deben, Chair of UK’s Committee on Climate Change: Impact investing through a Catholic lens
Dr. Sr. Gemma Simmonds CJ, Director of Religious Life Institute at University of Cambridge: A theological perspective on impact investing
Neil Thorns, Director of Advocacy and Communications at CAFOD: How impact investing is enabling development outcomes in the global South
Sr. Pat Daly OP, Former Executive Director of Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment: Case study of 16 US Dominican religious congregations & the Climate Solutions Fund
Shaun Cooper, Head of Finance at Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood: Case study on beginning the impact investing journey
Victoria Carrion, Director of Membership & Partnerships at the Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative
Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative (CIIC) is a network where individuals and institutions interested in Catholic Impact Investing can come together, share experiences, and build relationships based on their spiritual as well as financial commitment to impact investing. The Catholic Impact Investing Pledge, a formal commitment launched by CIIC in 2019, currently has 26 signatories, including nine groups based in the UK and Ireland.
The webinar is sponsored by Operation Noah, Global Catholic Climate Movement, CAFOD, Trocaire, Conference of Religious, Association of Provincial Bursars, National Justice & Peace Network, and Justice and Peace Scotland.